Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Cannon XL2 | isn't she lovely

Originally uploaded by strangeblue.
Steve Wonder could'nt have said it better. This camera wants to be my second child. I know because it told me through an e-mail. I have had my eyes on this camera for too long. So hopefully I am able to hold her soon. Maybe for a graduation present....Maybe. 5k is alot of cash not to mention the extra lenses I want. Man I'm a ravenouse bastard. Isnt she beautifull though. You can check out cannon and read some things about her. This camera is definatley comparible to the DVX100. The Cannon can shoot in an uncompressed 16:9 ratio which is pretty amazing especialy if I was ever to transfer to film...Ahh one day. Basicly I will be using this camera to produce my first Documentary. I'm working on the goals and what angle of the story I wish to take. Mostly the story will create itself. This is my blog and I say what I like.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 6, 2004 at 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to check out the new Sony HDR-FX1. It's supposedly cheaper and records in High definition. It'll put the XL2 out of business. I'm not knocking on you; I think you need to look into to it.

October 6, 2004 at 4:14 PM  

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