Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I am finally done. After A long 4 years I am complete with a Bachelors of Science. Along with my diploma I got this miniature wallet size version of the degree. Just in case anyone didn't believe me. I should post a picture of it.

Well this Friday I am making the big move... I am not even partial packed. I have no clue where to even start. Plus I am trying to make time to spend with friends. One of them is having a baby tomorrow I think for sure.. So we are glad to be able to share those last moments with them. I really hope things go well in AZ.. I am certainly hoping to find a spot with continuous hip-hop.
And some steady freelance. I will talk to all of you soon.....

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Quick Overview

Well real quick let me catch you up on all situations... For those who don't know I graduate on the 11th of December 2004.. Super stressed right now I've got this physics test on Wednesday and very much on the way to failing this class. I just super suck at math...My bills are late, the cut my internet, my bank is overdrawing, I need to sell more albums, I need to do more shows, write more, just not time; But I got the best graduation present ever. My Cannon XL2. You have to see this bad boy. So very soon I will be making my first documentary down in Mexico City.. On the 17th of December me and my wife are moving to Arizona, I am pumped about that.. My father is coming down to see my graduation. It's been almost a year since I have seen him. But that's the Catch up. I really need to study. Check out Strangeblueonthearts.blogspot.com and check out some pics of my last show...